Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Drug Trafficking During The United States Essay - 1312 Words
Drug trafficking has been an ongoing epidemic in the United States, as well us other countries for an unimaginable amount of time. Illegal drugs varying from heroin and cocaine are primarily the main drugs that get smuggled in the United States from South America. Even marijuana and methamphetamine have been popular in the drug smuggling â€Å"industry†. These gangs go to a variety of different extents to get the job done. Drug trafficking increases the violence levels These drugs have been smuggled through the Southwest Border since the 1970s and are attempting to expand the distribution of those drugs into eastern U.S. markets. The countries of drug production have been seen as the worst affected by prohibition. In many countries worldwide, the illegal drug trafficking can be directly linked to high violent crimes. This is especially true in third world countries, but has still been seen as an issue for many developed countries all over the world. Drug trafficking increases the risk of violence and crime due rise of addiction along with an increase of death. It also effects the along with correctional system its high costs, Nearly all of the heroin produced in Mexico is destined for distribution in the United States. Organized crime groups operating from Mexico produce, smuggle, and distribute various illegal drugs after trafficking them across the US border. Trafficking groups that operate from Mexico tend to avoid penalties by their stealthy methods of smugglingShow MoreRelatedDrug Trafficking877 Words  | 4 PagesDrug Trafficking in the United States Americans like to hide thoughts of the bad in society, one of these thoughts often hid or forget about is drug trafficking. Drug trafficking effects everyone from the one-percent down to the people of poverty. Billions of dollars of drugs are bought and sold, with billions more being spent to fight the trafficking of illicit drugs in the United State. With all the money spent to prevent drug trafficking Americans need to understand the harmful effects. Drug TraffickingRead MoreWar On Drugs And Drug Trafficking960 Words  | 4 Pagesof the United States, it is plagued by human trafficking, drug trafficking, and weapons trafficking. One of the most harmful organized crimes is drug trafficking. What makes drug trafficking organized is the system of production to distribution. Drug trafficking organizations have a hierarchy of power from the kingpins to the couriers. Drug also has political influence they are able to bribe and blackmail politicians. Trafficking drugs is a multi-billio n-dollar business, and the United States is oneRead MoreIllicit Drug Trafficking : An Organized Crime1481 Words  | 6 Pagesthis paper was to gather research of the topic called illicit drug trafficking. It explores 10 online research articles and websites that relate to illicit drug trafficking. These articles however, vary in their research about the topic. It begins by stating how illicit drug trafficking is considered an organized crime. Two of the main drugs that are trafficked are cocaine and heroin. As a result of drug trafficking, the war on drugs has been a problem for many decades in different countries. Read MoreDrug Trafficking And Its Effects On America1600 Words  | 7 Pages In a country of struggling economies, many have viewed the drug trade as one South American’ s most successful businesses. Latin America s drug trafficking industry has been depicted in United States popular culture through motion pictures such as Scarface and Traffic. The purpose of my research is to take away society’s perception of what Hollywood has depicted drug trade to be and bring out what narcotics trafficking really is, as well as trying to coincide with the motivations of those peopleRead MoreThe Illegal Drug Business1361 Words  | 5 PagesThe Drug Business Paper Introduction The smuggling of drugs has been a part of the society for over a century in most parts of the world. This form of business has flourished mostly in the developed countries such as the United States of America, where the demand for drugs is high while there is no or very small production in the country. The production in the countries where drugs such as cocaine, heroin, cannabis, etc are supplied is banned mostly under the respective local laws, and thereforeRead MoreEssay Drug Trafficking, Consequences, and Accountability1453 Words  | 6 Pages The illegal drug trafficking found throughout Latin America is not an issue that can be solved by either a government or an individual alone. Unfortunately, it is also an issue that requires more than one solution in order to solve the problem. Each Latin American state is unique, as are the various citizens who inhabit them. As drug trafficking is a transnational force, Latin American governments often find themselves not only at odds wi th one another, but with larger political and economic powersRead MoreDrug Trafficking And Its Effects On America964 Words  | 4 Pages In regard to Latin America, this area is a crucial geographical zone for drug trafficking and production. Due to the location, the drug trade has found its perfect home, vast mountains and forests enable huge farms to produce and ship drugs to any region they want. Whether it is Colombia, Peru or one of the many countries found to be in this vast collection of drug trafficking, it is apparent that they all share similar geographies that allow the trade to continue. As a result of this, countriesRead MoreHuman Trafficking Is in America1354 Words  | 5 PagesHuman Trafficking is in America, it’s in backyard and most don’t even know it. Many Americans believe that this horrible action only takes place in countries such as China, Japan, India, and Ghana but no; it happens in the United States also. The definition of human trafficki ng is the â€Å"illegal practice of procuring or trading in human beings for the purpose of prostitution, forced labor, or other forms of exploitation†( Slavery was abolished in 1865 in the 13th amendment in the constitutionRead MoreHIDA Case Study1087 Words  | 5 PagesDuring the summer of 2017 I interned at Chicago HIDTA. HIDTA stands for High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas. The agency’s main goal is to combat drug trafficking by disrupting drug trade and dismantling drug operations. Furthermore, HIDTA assists agencies in deconfliction to allow operations to function properly and without interference. HIDTA was created by Congress in the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 and assists Federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies that operate in areas that haveRead Moreâ€Å"The War On Drugs Is A Big Fucking Lie†. In Recent History,1560 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"The war on drugs is a big fucking lie†In recent history, there has been much rhetoric surrounding the eradication of cross-border drug trafficking. The â€Å"war on drugs†was introduced in the 1970s by Nixon, who wanted to eliminate the drugs coming into the United States, since they were seen by him as a threat to our nation. Many laws have been enacted with the purpose keeping illicit drugs out of the United States, yet they do so through the use of nativist ideology, which upholds white supremacy
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Answer the question Example
Essays on Answer the question Speech or Presentation Math problem and micro economics Question one Labor demand is given by w=32-0.2E Number of workers E= 30 million in Arizona Number of immigrants = 5million Solution a) Market clearing wage if the immigration is not allowed We know that w=32-0.2E therefore W= 32-(0.2Ãâ€"30) = 26 dollars Market clearing wage when borders are open will be; We know that the number of workers migrating is 5 million Therefore w= 32- (0.2 Ãâ€"5) =31 dollars The immigration surplus will be 31-26= 4 dollars. b) In the case that the workers are skilled the supply of labor in the Arizona area would be elastic in that they would provide competition to the native workers. The equilibrium wages will rise because of the need to reward the skilled immigrants who will in turn return that through the labor they would provide (Stonecash 125-128). Question two We know the supply of labor is determined by; w=10 +8E Labor demand curve w = 60-2E Labor demand increases to w=80-2E a) To get the wages we simultaneously solve the equations W=10+ 8E†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..i W= 60-2E†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..ii W=80-2E†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦iii Solving ii and iii we arrive to W= 20 this is achieved after the demand increase. Thus the demand increases by 20 after the house booming. Therefore from this we can get the labor supply 20= 10+ (8Ãâ€"E) 20-10=8E E= 10/8 = 1.25 b) Demand Supply Equilibrium Question 3 a) Supply of curve of the company is E=20w-120 Marginal cost of labor curve MCE= 6+ 0.1 E Assuming a perfect elastic labor demand for the demand curve; If each hour 10 can are produced 10Ãâ€"$5 = $50 made in one hour 50=6+ 0.1E 44=0.1E E=440 workers 440+120=20W W=$28 This compares to the equilibrium wage in that this can be varied and in most cases it’s reasonable and affordable for the company. b) MC Demand MR Equilibrium Quantity Question 4 Number of residents= 100,000 Average salary= $ 50000 1% of 50000 =$50 The cost of constructing the spotlight will then be 50Ãâ€" 100000= $ 5000000 If the spotlight is not constructed, on the first year the population will be 99998 people but if its constructed the population will be 99999 people The minimal statistical value of a life will be 9999/100000 Ãâ€"100 = 99.9%\ Question five Arlington town For Bibster Inc. probability of injury is zero For Heel Toe co., probability of injury is one Preferences represented by U=2W-8X a) For this firm, probability of injury is zero Therefore U= 2W Which is U= 2Ãâ€"$19 =38 For the heel toe U= 2W -8 Therefore 38= 2w-8 W= $15 b) If the injuries are reduced to 50%, the worker utility will increase but this would depend on the availability of safe equipment and the nature of the operations that the workers are exposed to. Greater worker utility will also depend on the availability of personal protective equipment used by the worker. On the other hand, less worker utility will result if the worker would steel be exposed to the same working conditions as before, lack of self-protective equipment and also poor supervision by the supervisors Less worker utility due to high risks caused by the same exposure to risks Risks Workers Works Cited Stonecash, Robin E. Principles of Macroeconomics. South Melbourne, Vic: Cengage Learning, 2011. Print.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Analyse The Social Media Usage Of Business †
Question: Discuss about the Analyse The Social Media Usage Of Business. Answer: Introduction The following is the proposal of doing research on gathering data on using social media by the companies and what are the advantage and disadvantages of using this platform (Sigala et al. 2012). Hence the objectives of the project and scope of the project is outlined in the below. Summary of the literature review done on the topic is also discussed briefly. The theories and social web aspects that have been identified are given and based on that the research methodology is formed. The different aspects of using the primary and secondary method of data collection, interview and questionnaire-forming method is proposed in the later part. The different factors like reliability; validity is discussed in the following chapter (Leonardi et al. 2013). The sampling method and sample size selected for the data is also be included as well with the research limitations and research schedule in a chart. Project objectives The main objectives of this project is To critically analyse the advantage and disadvantage of using social media platform in the different business activity To critically analyse different concepts of social theories that can be analysed and used for conducting further studies in the field To analyse the influence of the social media utility To provide a relevant recommendation for organisations that are using or willing to use this as a business activity conducting platform Project scopes The scope of this project lies in the potential benefit of using social media in business activity in different operations of business. The market opportunity of using the social media and advantages that the company must be aware of and disadvantages that they must be keeping distance can be suggested as the scope of this project (Panneerselvam 2014). The article or journal is insightful in giving Small or medium sized organisations to strategise in their social media incorporation plan. Literature review The journals and articles that are gathered in this context emphasizes on the advantages and disadvantages of using social media in the in business operations. This literature review also includes the social exchange theory, social spiral viral models and demonstration of critically analysed staircase model. This models also relates to the social media and network business must adopt to for getting better advantage of this platform in required aspects of the business (Sigala et al. 2012). It has been clearly opined in the business that the small sector companies and smaller and medium sized business always uses this platform more than other big organisations uses for its operations. The have found the social media platform useful. The major aspect of using the media has also increased because of the wide range of audience that can be approached by this (Picazo-Vela et al. 2012). Building a brand is essential for some industry and thus approaching more of the customers and maintaining the customer relationship management has also been important for the companies using this. Customer retention is also one of the major objectives that can be backed up by the social portal. However, this method of reaching the customers is also disadvantageous when there are complainants of the customers negatively affect the implementation process (Leonardi et al. 2013). Some of the most common tool used for recruitment and customer relationship management are Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube and also the official Websites of different business. In this platform, the more loyal customers will follow the accounts of the pages that are easily available for them. This has also been helpful in converting the leads that has been generated from the social media usage. The staggering number of users who are using the social media as of 2017 the number has come to 2.46 billion people, are a ripe customer base for reaching them on different purpose (Laroche et al. 2013). To create and increase the brand value of the company or to reach new customers; gauging the influence of the company in their customers; gauging behavioural issues in customer relationship are very much eased by the using social media tools. Again, the disadvantages of using these tools can be cited, as the company must use it in their advantage, while maintaining social ethics. The performance of those organisations is dependent upon it and gets affected by different comments. Social exchange theory is based upon the customer interaction and potential rewards and awards systems of using the interaction. The organisations can relate to these things as there is also a cost benefit analysis associated with this theory. There is a profitable side of using the social interaction with the marketers as well as a punishment. The punishment here will be if the customers do not turn up for purchase. The positive interaction is needed though there wont be a possibility of repeat purchase. The interaction must have a humane touch to sustain the social relations as bots would not be effective in this aspect of business (Sigala et al. 2012). The social spiral viral model suggests that the content that the business shares in the web where it is used by all the potential customer or audience of the company must be implanted strategically. The campaigns and advertisements that are used must be integrated with all marketing programs of the company. Thus the social media optimisation concept has been put through. This activity is rather technological for undermining the business corporationss whole marketing strategy (Patinoe et al. 2012). The factors takes into consideration of the target market audience, positioning of the company and its products and social media behaviour patterns of the brands audiences. The main theme of this model is content created in terms of getting g more views in the internet. The social staircase model takes into consideration the strategy, presence, tools and conversation. All the factors must be considered in the forming the business strategy. The probability of measuring the presence of the bu sinesss or the products visibility in the social web is significant for the applicability of enriching the content delivered in terms of increasing the brands value. The message must be conveyed in one or other way (Reynolds et al. 2014). Research questions Primary questions What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media platforms in business activities? Secondary questions What are the opportunities in using social media in business activities? What can be suggested as the behavioural patterns of using social media users? What is the positive and negative impact that the business has in enriching the brand value through social media? Research design and methodology Qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative research for this report will be done on the chosen company BHP Billiton. The 5 managers of marketing department will be selected for getting the attitude scale measurement of them towards their system. The other staff of the company is selected for surveying. The qualitative research questionnaires will be based on open ended and the 40 more respondents for the online survey method. The qualitative research method will be for measuring the attitude of the managers towards their own strategy and survey will be interpreted and analysed for further insights in companies effective measure of social media uasge. Reliability and validity of research methodology The two methods of doing research are qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative method is using the categorical variables and observations in the data and quantitative is using the variables that are numeric or alphanumeric characters. Reliability and validity of research conducting a research is ensuring the validity and reliability of research. These are the main concerns of conducting a research. Reliability The main concern of a designing the research in qualitative and quantitative way is to ensure the reliability of data gathered. This is reliability and validity takes into consideration, the ethics of conducting a research program. Reliability is defined as a testing and evaluation of the data to measure the applicability, transferability and credibility of the measures. Validity The validity of doing any research is take the concept and construct validity approach to maintain the ethics of doing the research. Whereas Concept validity takes into consideration the imperceptivity of conceptions. Variable specification Here the dependent and independent variables are the ones that are identified for doing the research. One of the variables is advantage or disadvantage of using social media for business and therefore, the dependent variable is positive or negative impact of doing research. Research approach and design There can two kinds of approach in doing a research, one is deductive and another is inductive in nature. This research is more inductive and less deductive in nature. In this process, research is done in designing the research, data is then collected, and after careful observation analysis and recommendation is given (Mackey and Gass 2015). Data collection process To initiate the research, primary data will be collected from BHP Billitons official website and the particular companys human resource and marketing managers will be questioned about the social presence of their company. After gathering the primary data the secondary sources like journals in the social media effectiveness topic will be identified and analysed while doing the research. Based on the findings the hypothesis will be constructed and analysed (Flick 2015). Data will be collected by the interview with the managers and online survey of the staff. Sampling method and sample size Sample is selected based in the research design and based in the target audience for the questionnaires prepared (Mackey and Gass 2015). The sample here selected for primary research consists of the human resource managers and marketing or more accurately the digital marketing managers of any company that have effective social presence in the social media through any other portals. The sample size selected is of 50 respondents. The probability sampling approach would be a best approach to conduct this research (Smith 2015). Interview and questionnaires designing The approach to get response in the respondents will be done through structured questionnaires and direct and structured interview method (Taylor 2015). The variables that are identified in the research to more use on are advantage/disadvantage of using social media and business activity that gets positively and negatively affected by those factors. Research limitations The limitation of doing this research lies in the constraint of framing strategy of research that can be useful for further study. Using the social media is has its own limitations like not getting access to different company information used directly or indirectly by the company. The models that are reviewed in the literature review are not independent and entire strategy would fall if organisations do not considers all the factors that needs to be considered (Silverman 2016). Time schedule Figure: Time schedule chart Source: created by author Conclusion Therefore, from the above text it can be concluded that using social media has its pros and cons for a business. Doing the research on this topic and the method doing the research is given in below. Summary of the literature review done on the topic is also discussed briefly. The different aspects of using the primary and secondary method of data collection, interview and questionnaire-forming method is proposed in the later part. The different factors like reliability; validity is discussed in the following chapter. The sampling method and sample size selected for the data is also be included as well with the research limitations and research schedule in a chart. References Flick, U., 2015.Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project. Sage. Laroche, M., Habibi, M.R. and Richard, M.O., 2013. To be or not to be in social media: How brand loyalty is affected by social media?.International Journal of Information Management,33(1), pp.76-82. Leonardi, P.M., Huysman, M. and Steinfield, C., 2013. Enterprise social media: Definition, history, and prospects for the study of social technologies in organizations.Journal of Computer?Mediated Communication,19(1), pp.1-19. Leung, D., Law, R., Van Hoof, H. and Buhalis, D., 2013. Social media in tourism and hospitality: A literature review.Journal of Travel Tourism Marketing,30(1-2), pp.3-22. Mackey, A. and Gass, S.M., 2015.Second language research: Methodology and design. Routledge. Miller, T., Birch, M., Mauthner, M. and Jessop, J. eds., 2012.Ethics in qualitative research. Sage. Munch, S., 2012. Improving the benefit corporation: How traditional governance mechanisms can enhance the innovative new business form.Nw. JL Soc. Pol'y,7, p.i. Panneerselvam, R., 2014.Research methodology. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.. Patino, A., Pitta, D.A. and Quinones, R., 2012. Social media's emerging importance in market research.Journal of Consumer Marketing,29(3), pp.233-237. Picazo-Vela, S., Gutirrez-Martnez, I. and Luna-Reyes, L.F., 2012. Understanding risks, benefits, and strategic alternatives of social media applications in the public sector.Government information quarterly,29(4), pp.504-511. Reynolds, D., Creemers, B., Nesselrodt, P.S., Shaffer, E.C., Stringfield, S. and Teddlie, C. eds., 2014.Advances in school effectiveness research and practice. Elsevier. Sigala, M., Christou, E. and Gretzel, U. eds., 2012.Social media in travel, tourism and hospitality: Theory, practice and cases. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.. Silverman, D. ed., 2016.Qualitative research. Sage. Smith, J.A. ed., 2015.Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods. Sage. Taylor, S.J., Bogdan, R. and DeVault, M., 2015.Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley Sons.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Related Studies of Hospital System Essay Example
Related Studies of Hospital System Essay An article from the internet (http://www. irpsys. com/articles/tw_rura. htm) on Rural Local Community Hospitals Utilizes an Affordable Method to Generate Accurate Medicare Reimbursements is also significant to the study because it gives an example on Local Community Hospitals system, whereby is East Adams Rural Local Community Hospitals is a 20 bed Local Community Hospitals in a town with a population of less than 2000. The elderly constitute a very high proportion of the population of our service area which means patients tend to be quite ill and stay for a long time. The current system of Medicare reimbursements, on the other hand, bases its payments strictly on the diagnosis related group (DRG) to which the patients stay is grouped or assigned. Most large third party payers have also adopted the DRG system in the state of Washington. As a result, reimbursements frequently do not cover the cost of patient care. Further difficulties are generated by the fact that the terminal patients are frequently transferred to larger Local Community Hospitals in Spokane. This normally means the Spokane Local Community Hospitals gets the major portion of the reimbursement because their DRG assignment is based on the procedures performed and the larger Local Community Hospitals naturally is able to perform more procedures. We will write a custom essay sample on Related Studies of Hospital System specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Related Studies of Hospital System specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Related Studies of Hospital System specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Before this Local Community Hospitals had difficulties in the turnover of records, as well as manual billing system whose efficiency left much to be desired. In many cases, some charges were lost in transit because of poor paper handling and hence the Local Community Hospitals was receiving much less than the meager reimbursement it is entitled and that there was not enough time in the day to make manual system work so the need for computerized alternatives Another article from the internet. (http://www. besoftware. Community Hospitals-informations. html) Local Community Hospitals Information Systems Customized to Meet all the Management Needs of a Local Community Hospitals Local Community Hospitals Information technology: A main component of HIS is Local Community Hospitals information technology and Local Community Hospitals management software programs. These two arms of HIS are also referred to as integrated Local Community Hospitals information processing systems (IHIPS). Local Community Hospitals information technology and Local Community Hospitals management software programs are synonymous aiming to meet all demands and needs of medical staff, surgical teams and patients. The two systems ensure that all billing, tracking, patient care, bed management, pharmacy, counseling and recruitment as well as rotation of surgical teams is on schedule. The presence of automation and software as the mainframe of a Local Community Hospitals administration means that all information has to be processed onto two or three hard disks. In case of any malfunction or crash, the data is still available in another disk. Usually, Local Community Hospitals keep two to three mirror disks one in the archives and one under the scrutiny of management personnel. Remote data backup as well as control processing and tracking automated systems ensure the smooth non-stop functioning of these systems (Local Community Hospitals Information Systems Customized to Meet all the Management Needs of a Local Community Hospitals, 2003). Another article from the internet (http://www. medical. siemens. com) Improved Care with an Integrated IT Solution Competition in todays healthcare markets is fierce. As consumers become more informed, healthcare organizations re-examine their processes in order to improve efficiencies and to position themselves as world-class organizations. MedCentral Health System, a health organization with two Local Community Hospitals, 351 beds, and 2,600 employees in Mansfield, OH, USA, is managing this with a system-wide, information technology-(IT-) based initiative, Project Expert Care, geared to provide clinicians with reliable data, to increase patient safety, and to decrease costs by optimizing operational efficiencies. (Improved Care with an Integrated IT Solution, 2008) Related literature Foreign From the book Management and the Computer in Information and Control Systems information is the essential factor within which organizations work effectively. At the planning level, information is required to convert strategy into tactics (detailed plans and schedules and their evaluation). At the operational levels of information is required to carry out production of refining or marketing plans. Finally even the simplest loop controller in a process unit requires information from process sensors to produce their limited control action (Hodge Hodgson, 1969). According to the book Management Uses of the Computer the adoption of computer processing simplifies managements tasks in direction current business activities, provided management play its role in the development of the processing system. In the application areas turned over to the computer, management policies are carried through automatically because they are embodied in the processing system. In addition, the management information system incorporated in the processing structure provides timely information in useful form (Management Uses of the Computer, 1990). According to Terry D. Lundgren and Carol A. Lundgren author of Records Management in the Computing Age records management, then, is planning, staffing, organizing, directing and controlling of records and those processes associated with records. Records management is organized around the life cycle of a record and ends with the permanent storage or destruction of record. Source: http://voices. yahoo. com/thesis-local-community-hospitals-system-4664081. html.
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