Wednesday, August 26, 2020
British American Tobacco Company Products Essay
English American Tobacco Company Products - Essay Example BAT Company is recorded in the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. The organization reports that as of December 2011, it had showcase a capitalization of ?59.2 billion. At that point, it was positioned 6th biggest organization recorded in London Stock Exchange. The organization isn't just recorded in London Stock Exchange yet in addition in the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (South Africa) and the Nairobi Sock Exchange in Kenya (Britannica Educational Publishing and Rogers 2011 p.177-198). The motivation behind this paper is to examine the interest and flexibly factors that influence the deals of BAT items. It will likewise investigate what the organization needs to do to be capable top work beneficially in this market. The paper will likewise talk about the effects of the macroeconomic elements: financial development, joblessness, expansion, the parity of installment and business cycle on the items. Request and Supply Demand and flexibly are the most key i deas of financial matters and the foundation of a market economy. This is because of the way that they decide how a specific item or administration is sold in the market. Request by definition alludes to the amount of a help or item wanted in a market by purchasers. The amount requested then again alludes to the measure of item that purchasers are happy to buy at a given cost. Cost and amount requested shows a relationship known as request relationship. Flexibly alludes to the amount that the market can offer. In such manner, the amount provided implies the measure of a given items providers are eager to gracefully at a specific cost. The connection among cost and amount provided in the market is alluded to as the gracefully relationship. In light of this definitions, it is obvious that cost is an impression of interest and gracefully. Microeconomic Factors Price is one of the fundamental factors that influence the interest and gracefully of an item, which thus decide the amount of an item that is sold (Carbaugh 2010 p. 28-42). Concerning request, the cost charged decides by and large the amount of an item that purchasers will purchase. This is because of actuality that that amount requested and the cost have a reverse relationship. This suggests the higher the value, the less will be the amount requested of the item. This is one factor that has influenced the deals of BAT tobacco items. The organization the executives contends that as the expense of item utilized in the assembling of tobacco items increments because of dry season, they have been compelled to alter their procedure upwards (Cox 2000 p. 16-39). Be that as it may, this expansion in cost went poorly as to turnover the same number of clients decreased the amount they could buy. This is most likely because of a move to other modest close substitutes. The organization supervisors are, in any case, speedy to state that they are anticipating a diminishing in cost which would empower clients to buy more , in this way expanding their deals. Then again, an expansion in flexibly of the company’s item for the most part lead to a decrease in cost, bringing about an increment in deals as customers are presently ready to manage the cost of the items. Substitutes The cost and accessibility of close substitutes likewise influences interest for an item. At the point when an item has a nearby substitute, customers will move in the event of an expansion in value (Carbaugh 2010 p. 28-42). This is the thing that has influenced deals of BAT’s tobacco items. The organization chiefs contend that numerous individuals these days favor different types of depressants
Saturday, August 22, 2020
MBA Markeing Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
MBA Markeing Communications - Essay Example hand much less expensive items now and again move quickly in the market in light of the solid showcasing correspondence between the maker and the purchasers. Showcasing individuals have numerous weapons like publicizing, marking, direct advertising, realistic structures, bundling, sponsorship, advertising, deals advancement web based promoting and so on in their arsenal to discuss adequately with the market. This paper quickly breaks down Sales Promotion as a coordinated showcasing correspondence procedure. Deals advancement is a movement planned for expanding the offer of an item embraced by association. It tends to be of various sorts dependent available and the item strengths. It is hard to stick point all the business advancement exercises due to the high volume of imaginative and creative deals advancements are entering in the market every day. Producers burn through a large number of dollars in examining for new strategies in deals advancement since they know very well that the customary deals advancements may not draw in the clients much. ‘Buy-One-Get-One-Free (BOGOF), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), New media, Merchandising, Free endowments, Discounted costs, Joint advancements, Free examples, Vouchers and coupons, Competitions and prize draws, and so on are a portion of the regular deals advancement methods’ (Sales Promotion, 2009). â€Å"Buy-One-Get-One-Free†is a typical deals advancement battle attempted by promoting individuals. The shoppers will be offered another when they buy one, liberated from cost in this kind of deals advancement technique. In client relationship the board, the customers will get extra focuses for each item they bought or administration they utilized which can be later changed over in buying another item or administration later. For instance, a large portion of the carriers offer the travelers extra focuses for the air miles they went in their airplanes which can be later changed over to another free excursion. Unconditional presents are another strategy for drawing in clients. At the point when we buy a vehicle,
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Video Games in Education
Video Games in Education Video Games in Education Home›Informative Posts›Video Games in Education Informative Posts Technology and Education: Online Video GamingTraditionally, video games were considered to be detrimental and have negative impacts. Anyone opposing the use of video game in the classroom would be justified to say that the main aim of sending a child to school is to learn (Fromme Unger, 2012). In addition, video games consumes considerable amount of time that would otherwise be used in revising class notes and curricula. However, a fundamental question that should be asked here is, should video games be banned if it has been established that they enhance the learning outcome of a child? The truth of the matter is they should not be. While it is true that playing video games results in some negative impacts such as addiction, psychosocial and medical effects and aggressiveness, a wide range of literature dating back to the 1980s has continued to show that video games have several benefits especially when integrated into education (Annetta, 2008). Some of the proposed benefits of video games include: reduction in the reaction times among students, improved hand-eye coordination and increased self-esteem (Martin, 2012). In addition, fun, curiosity and the level of challenge in a video game adds to the potential of positive outcomes of playing the games. The current paper will evaluate whether video games enhance learning outcomes in the classroom.Educationists and policy makers have continuously acknowledged the potential of integrating video games in the classroom, especially after the success of programs such as the Khan Academy. However, people especially many parents, continued to be of the opinion that playing video games is always detrimental. Nevertheless, video games have significantly enhanced the classroom outcome especially for K-12 students (Annetta, 2008).What Video Games Can Teach UsVideo games, regardless of their nature, have become an established prac tice since 1980s (Annetta, 2008). Although video games may have been of low quality, educators had discovered the essence of videogames. Since then, a lot has changed especially because of technological development, but one thing has remained constant all along; the best educational video games have not been just an educational tool, but a way of showing students that learning can be fun (Hall, Quinn Gollnick, 2014). It is thus important that video games be made part of educating students.It is essential to assess the extent to which video games can be of help to students. Since several scholars have confirmed that video games can contribute to enhanced learning outcome, there has been a rise of what has been termed as “edu-tainment†media (Griffiths, 2010). Observing students play some video games while in classroom is evident enough to show that they are essential in promoting learning outcome. It is thus a wake-up call for video games developers to come up with more games that are education oriented (Hall, Quinn Gollnick, 2014). There is enough evidence suggesting that important skills are developed and reinforced by video games. For instance, spatial visualization because of manipulating or rotating 3D objects, are enhanced by video games (Fromme Unger, 2012). It has also been established that video games have successfully worked for children who began with poor skills. Equalization of student’s differences in spatial skills performance has also been indicated to be improved by video games.In a report prepared by Business Roundtable in 2005, a pertinent question was raised. The report expressed deep distress regarding America’s capability to sustain the continuing trend of technological and scientific superiority (Hall, Quinn Gollnick, 2014). The report went further and recommended that immediate action be taken by the government and all concerned stakeholders to secure a prosperous future for children. Coming up with technologies that will be in a position to reach what the report termed as “net generation (Annetta, 2008). It is important that educators start viewing video games differently from a traditional society where students were discouraged from engaging in gaming activities. An initiative called “serious games†was started in an attempt to embrace video games as a teaching and training component in education (Griffiths, 2010). The movement aimed at coming up with video games that have the potential to meet the needs of “net generationâ€. With increased network connectivity and gadgets, video games are the most current ways that the internet has changed how a generation of young students socialize and view entertainment (Squire, 2006). The notion that video games are now becoming popular has gained the attention of The Federation of American Scientists FAS (Griffiths, 2010). According to the federation, video game is the next great discovery because of their ability to captivate learners to the ex tent of spending quality learning time on their own. However, FAS noted that most of the commercial games are not educational oriented hence there is the need for the government to invent or financially support games developers to come up with educational games (Griffiths, 2010).One of the video games that can be described as being education and successful is the Immune Attack developed by FAS (Griffiths, 2010). It was developed thanks to the initiative between the University of Southern California and Brown University. The game was developed as an attempt to educate students on the widely held difficult topic of immunology. In the game, a student must teach his or her immune how to function properly or die. The human body serves as the playing field and immune cells faceoff against viral and bacterial infections. Another successfully used video game aiming to educate students is the Food Force that was developed by the WFP in 2005 (Griffiths, 2010). The player must engage in food d istributing missions in a famine affected nation so that the nation becomes healthy and self-sufficient again. In the game, a player can become an expert in nutrition, director of food programs, an appeals officer or a pilot.From the above examples it is evident that educational games require a player to have good logic and sharp memory, be able to make decisions or become a problem solver, use critical thinking skills, discover and have good visualization (Squire, 2006). Therefore, incorporating video games in the present day classroom will enhance a student’s ability not just in the classroom, but also in the society.Video games and learningChange is inevitable, and advances in technology are shifting learning from the traditional library to mobile devices (Griffiths, 2010). It is thus important for stakeholders to cultivate the use of video games in several ways. For example, in enhancing language skills, game developers have come up with video games that involve discussion and sharing, following direction from the game, giving directions and answering questions (Hall, Quinn Gollnick, 2014). In addition, the presence of internet has facilitated online gaming where students can interact with other students from all over the world and discuss some topic with the help of visual aids. Video games also promote basic Math among young students in that a player must interact with the score counters. Modern video games have facilitated basic reading skills as well. Video games with character dialog printed on the screen have facilitated basic reading since a player must be able to read instructions such as load, change, go, quit or play (Fromme Unger, 2012). Traditional learning experience for students involved sharing among themselves and the teacher. However, video games might help in revolutionizing classroom interaction especially in the internet. As a result, the student’s social skills are enhanced.It is important to note that video games are not only go od for “fully functioning†or “normal†students, but they can also be applied to children or learners with multiple disabilities or handicapped such as those with limited vocal speech acquisition (Hall, Quinn Gollnick, 2014). Other researchers have successfully used video games to facilitate learning among disabled children in their spatial abilities, mathematical abilities and problem-solving skills. Some researchers have suggested how technology can be utilized in present day learning to enhance learning outcome. Anthropologists and sociologists have also strongly supported the idea of playing. They have suggested that play is part of human activity and thus video games playing means those students will have a better chance of conceptualizing things they theoretically learnt in class (Fromme Unger, 2012).In conclusion, debate on whether to introduce video game in the classroom for learning purpose may continue for several years because research on this field may be scarc e. However, it is evident from several successful video games that indeed incorporating technology in the classroom should not only involve doing away with the books and embracing online learning, but also introduce more exciting technology to make learning easier and more fun. It may take time before this concept is widely replicated in the entire education system, but where it has been implemented, learning outcome has been enhanced. The best thing that the government and all stakeholders in the education should do is embrace a multi-sector approach to video games. Sociologists, anthropologists, behaviorist and game or content developers should come together and design games that will have maximum impact on the learning experience for students. Parents remain vulnerable to any information concerning video games and learning. However, it is time that the government reaffirms its position in the current classroom and at the same time prepares the future classroom where anticipatio n about video game remains high. The commercial market has a lot to offer, it is thus important that teachers, facilitators, and parents evaluate the games they recommend for their children or pupils. Not all video games promote the health or education and because of technological advancement-game upgrades, it has constantly become challenging in evaluating the educational impact across several studies.ReferencesAnnetta, L. A. (2008). Video games in education: Why they should be used and how they are being used. Theory into Practice, 47, 3, 229-239.Fromme, J., Unger, A. (2012). Computer games and new media cultures: A handbook of digital games studies. Dordrecht: Springer.Griffiths, M. (2010). Online video gaming: What should educational psychologists know?. Educational Psychology in Practice, 26, 1, 35-40.Hall, G. E., Quinn, L. F., Gollnick, D. M. (2014). Introduction to teaching: Making a difference in student learning. London : SAGE PublicationsMartin, J. (2012). Game o n: The challenges and benefits of video games. Bulletin of Science, Technology Society, 32, 5, 343-344.Squire, K. (2006). From content to context: Videogames as designed experience. Educational Researcher, 35, 8, 19-29.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Brokeback Mountain - 1522 Words
Concepts in Brokeback Mountain and how it relates to Our Sexuality Human Sexuality Spring 2011 The concept of homosexuality has been explored by society for many years and is not a new concept. Gay roles portraying homosexuals as people with the same drives and desires as heterosexual people have only begun to surface in the last few decades. Roles showing lesbian women and transgender seem to have been more widely accepted especially when they are used as humor. The role of the gay man in film and in society seems to be widely accepted when those roles are opposed or when the stereotype of a gay man is needed to inject some humor. Homosexuals are only now receiving the same attention that other controversial roles have†¦show more content†¦Society is inflexible, and they have no choice but to follow the rules- Ennis and Jack are forced to live a lie because they have no other options. Though it frustrates them, they have to play the hand they are dealt and go on with their normal/moral lives with a wife and children; however, their love for each other was Eros an d nothing could penetrate or distract from that- not neither time nor distance. They had the highest form of love. Films like Brokeback Mountain show the humanity of their characters allowing the audience to see what they already know, love between two people. The filmmakers have focused so closely and with such feeling on Jack and Ennis’ characters, that the movie is emotionally perceptive to the audience about the struggles of heartache. The film relates to the majority of society, because the more it understands the individual characters, the more everyone can relate to them. Throughout the story the two men constantly struggle with the fact that they simply cannot be together. They talk about it and they desire to be together, but they know, in their society, it simply is not an option. They get married to women, they have sex with their wives, and they have babies, because it is all they know to do. They know there is no possible way they could ever be accepted as homosexuals, and again, they cannot even bring themselves to label themselves as being gay. Chapter 9Show MoreRelatedAn Analysis of Brokeback Mountain1566 Words  | 7 PagesAnnie Proulx’s Brokeback Mountain is a tragic story of forbidden love. It chronicles the romance between Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist, two cowboys who fall head over heels for each other in the spring of 1963. Their relationship endures for twenty years, never fully resolved, never fully let go of, and always surrounded by fear, confusion, and above all, by love. Brokeback Mountain depicted a story that was both accurate in its portrayal of queerness in the setting of its story, and in making itRead MoreBrokeback Mountain Essay657 Words  | 3 Pagesopinions and views on different ideologies or concepts about life and our surroundings. In the case of bisexuality, our cultures dictate whether or not we will accept it freely or with a little opposition. This is most evident in the movie Brokeback Mountain which stirred the movie industry because of its new take on how love can be depicted. But the relationship that the two main characters couldn’t just be limited to the relationship per se because I believe there is more to their union. TheRead MoreMasculinity Brokeback Mountain Essay924 Words  | 4 Pagescelebrate masculinity, but Brokeback Mountain is a revisionary Western that challenges definitions of masculinity. Discuss this statement with reference to Jane Marie Gaines’s and Charlotte Cornelia Herzog’s comments on the homoeroticism of the Western. The Western genre is undoubtedly one that is governed by the traditional male hero and its masculine stereotypes. Rarely does the genre break away from this mould, however Ang Lees renowned film Brokeback Mountain defies the set expectationsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Brokeback Mountain 1651 Words  | 7 Pages Brokeback Mountain is a film that describes a tragedy surrounding forbidden love. The love is between two men, Ennis and Jack and the setting is Wyoming for twenty years from the 1960’s to the 1980’s. This was a time of conservative values that looked at homosexuality in a negative light. These values caused Ennis and Jack to create a life that was what was expected in spite of what they wanted. From this came a great deal of frustration and pain for the two men, their wives, and families. Read MoreThere s Nothing But Love : Brokeback Mountain1314 Words  | 6 PagesThere’s Nothing but Love: Brokeback Mountain Brokeback Mountain is a 2005 American romantic film directed by Ang Lee. This film was won the 78th Academy Awards in 2006 for multiple nominations, including the Best Director, the Best Adapted Screenplay and the Best Original Score. Ang Lee uses all means to depict the details of the love and emotion in the movie. He likes making dramas in different ingredients that are in competition. He explains when love comes, there is no difference between theRead MoreEssay on A Timeless Struggle in Brokeback Mountain1301 Words  | 6 PagesAuthor Isaac Asimov once wrote,†Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing whats right.†This saying came to mind while reading both Montana 1948 and Brokeback Mountain. The authors, Larry Watson (Montana 1948) and Annie Proulx (Brokeback Mountain) both write stories with the internal conflict of man vs. himself. 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The movie adaptations by the director Ang Lee, came outRead MoreFilm Analysis: Brokeback Mountain Essay594 Words  | 3 PagesFinal Project: Brokeback Mountain The movie discussed in this project is Brokeback Mountain, directed by Ang Lee. This movie was released on 2005. The movie is about two young men, Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist, that get a job taking care of sheeps during the summer on Brokeback Mountain in Wyoming. Ennis is engaged to Alma. They are getting married in the fall. Ennis wants to have his own ranch one day. Jack wants to become the greatest rodeo cowboy alive. Ennis and Jack become friends and
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Human Resource Management For Success Of The Organization...
Human Research Management Press: Nilusha Agarwal 212 BBA (Hons) in the first semester ACCF Amity University Teachers Guide Book Page Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2.Importance human resource management for the success of the organization 3. The role of human resources strategy 4, the National Human Resource Development 5.NHRDN flag 6.Corporate identity 7.Brand Vision The NHRDN sign 8.Colours 9.Five way to motivate employees to achieve more Analysis 10.Three new trends in talent 11.Five way the impact of social media in the workplace 12.Employee Operations Management 13.Carrier anchor 14.Refrences Introduction Human resources are a group of people who made a organization, business, or economic workforce. Human capital is sometimes synonymous with human resources, human capital usually refers to a more narrow view. Human Resource Management (HRM) is a focus onShow MoreRelatedHuman Resources Management : The Success Of Organizations1306 Words  | 6 PagesHuman resources management is key to the success of organizations as they build their infrastructure. This chapter focuses management’s ability to recruit, select, train and develop their employees which will fit the goals and objectives of the organization. The role of Human resources manager can be conducted by a department of one person depending upon the size of the company and their size (Satterlee, 2013). During the recruitment process, employers should implement tools to ensure a diverseRead MoreHuman Resource Management : A Positive Impact On The Success Of An Organization1926 Words  | 8 PagesHuman Resource Mana gement Final Project Human Resource Management function is to provide a positive impact on the success of an organization strategic business plan. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The movie “Amistad†Free Essays
The movie â€Å"Amistad†is based on a true story. This tells us the story about some African slaves who were sold by their own countrymen to acquire weapons and money. During the time of translation to Spain, the crews rebels and kill almost all their Spanish captors. We will write a custom essay sample on The movie â€Å"Amistad†or any similar topic only for you Order Now African slaves took charge of the crew to return to their homes, but they were discovered by American troops, who taken them as prisoners leading them to United States to determine what they would do with them. Upon arrival the slaves to America, it was decided that these should go to court for murder and piracy and keep them in prison. In the first court appear different characters claiming the right to these slaves, treating them as property and not as human beings. But an opponent of slavery Mr. Joadson, a ex U. S. President named John Adams, an attorney at law Mr. Baldwin, and a wealthy man and owner of several businesses and banks named Mr. Tappan, joined forces to free these slaves. Although it was difficult to get evidence to free the African slaves because of the language difference, they gathered enough evidence to make clear that these slaves had been bought illegally and they were not Cubans but Africans. With this evidence they won the case. The current president of that time named Van Buren changed the judge to treat the United States v African Slaves case to recover it and see a different response, but the result was the same; freedom to the slaves. Once again the President of the United States took the case but to the superior court where the ex-President John Adams and Mr. Baldwin’s attorney at law, had a resounding success with the decision that these Africans were not property, they were human beings that had certain rights and could decide where they wanted to go. Cinque, the leader of the African tribe, thanked strongly the support these characters give it to him and to his tribe. Finally, Cinque followed in crew to free other slaves who resided in Spain to then return to home. Within the history of the film â€Å"Amistad†we can see different attitudes because during the plot appears different groups with different ambitions. On the one hand we have the group of the oppressed, referring to African slaves. Their attitude was of sadness, anger, and courage. They were sad because they were discriminated, separated from their families, suffered humiliation, starvation, beatings, and abuse and all these because of their color. At the same time they felt anger and courage to those people who abused them without mercy. But the biggest attitude that oppressed had been the desire to fight for their freedom and not give up. African Slaves always believing in the powers of their ancestors. On the other hand, there are the oppressors. In this group we can put together the Spaniards along with the Queen Isabel II, President of the United States, and 2 Spanish characters who survived the slaughter on the Amistad board. All of them had a selfish attitude towards slaves. They believed they could do with these people what they want because for them the slaves were not human if not a good. They do not care what Africans suffered, because according to them, the dark color let them to be miserable. The Queen Isabel II at the age of 11 thought that slaves were an essential part for the economy of her country. President of the United States did not want to release African Slaves because he was afraid of provoking a civil war and end on bad terms with the free trade agreement with Spain. Finally, the 2 Spaniard characters simply believed that they had the right to slaves because they survived from them and helped United State troops by the discovery of these. In the movie â€Å"Amistad†there were several conflicts. The principal was the issue of slavery which led to another conflicts. During the early 18’s, slavery was something illegal in many countries. For the U. S. , in the north was not approved while in the south could be legal. Because slaves were forced to work long hours without a salary, they were very important in elevating the economy of some countries like Spain. With the pass of the time the issue of slavery took more importance and strength in the decisions of government. Due to the unleashing of the slaves, there were other social and political conflict as the Civil War, and the release of Lombok Slave Fortress. In the history of the movie eventually the anti-slavery group gets the desired result which was to free African slaves and return them to their homes, thanks to the wisdom of the ex-President John Adams and the persistence of the attorney at law Baldwin. Today, slavery is a thing of the past. Thanks to these accrual events that occurred many years ago today we can enjoy complete freedom in the United States of America. Although Africans had to go through many hard times to regain his freedom, slavery ended in the year of 1865 with the addition of the thirteenth amendment in the constitution. According to Chapter 6 â€Å"Civil Rights†it tells us that since the foundation of America the primary value was equality. Discrimination is a concept that can be defined as a behavior or attitude with others according to their color, gender, clothing, age, or race. Chapter 6 teaches us that the most discriminated groups in human history are women and blacks. The film has a social, political, historical and moral meaning because it leaves a great teaching on the issue of discrimination. It is noteworthy that â€Å"Amistad†is based on real events that left a great benefit to the United States. It has social significance because it shows that society can be composed of different types of people and we are all a fundamental part of development. Second, it has political significance because we can see that the issue of slavery was always linked to politics, as the relationship of slavery and the free trade agreement between the United States and Spain. Furthermore, slavery has always been treated by the government, who always took the last decision thinking about the best for the people or for it convenience. â€Å"Amistad†is historic because, thanks to anti-slavery people like John Adams, Mr. Baldwin, Mr. Tappan, Mr. Joadson and the great leader and hero of the African tribe called Cinque who had the courage to face great powers as the ninth U. S. President Van Buren and confront the vague, shallow, and undefined laws that existed in the system of legislation in that time, in our times slavery is condemn. In my opinion the greatest significance of the story of the movie to people of that time is the moral value. Mr. Joadson who was a black man, a slave at some time in his life, and a leading opponent of slavery, was a person who taught us a lot with her character because even though he did not born in Africa, and he was totally American, he venture to support the cause of African slaves and never turned his back on his race. Another example of morality could be the judge who replaced the elderly judge, who despite being young and very inexperienced, do not let the U. S. President told him what was he had to do. He always went hand in hand with their values and takes the right decision to release these people who had already suffered enough. This movie certainly left a great lesson in me. As stated in the cover of the movie â€Å"Absolutely Unforgettable†I will never forget â€Å"Amistad†. The film taught me that everyone has the right to fighting for freedom. Besides, no one can take your freedom and discriminate against you by your appearance, color, race, gender, age or anything else. In my case, although we are often called the minority as Hispanics in this country, we have rights like anyone lse and we deserve to be treated as humans and not as an object or property. I have felt discriminated against at some point in my life as many other people, but I know that people judge because we are full of prejudices. The true is that we are still slaves to our own prejudices. Although we are in the XXI century discrimination has not ended, and is the responsibility of each one of us stop judging people by their appearance and accept that if we are all equal in the eyes of God we should all be equal in the society. How to cite The movie â€Å"Amistad†, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Cell Phone Safety Essay Example For Students
Cell Phone Safety Essay The use of cellular phones has spread like wild fire in the last ten years. It has become a part of everyday life for many American citizens, and a good number of people depend on them to carry out daily operations. Unfortunately, many of these daily operations occur while the individual is driving. As a result, many accidents have taken place in the last ten years due to the use of cellular phones while on the road. This leads me to believe that if people cant concentrate on the road while talking on a cell phone they shouldnt talk at all while driving. Rather than restricting access, the goal should be to provide in-vehicle information systems and safer means to using your cellular phone while driving. I understand that restricting cell phone usage while driving all together isnt the best means to solving the problem. Many good aspects come from cellular use in the car. For example, accidents get reported to 911 rapidly, traffic updates occur more often because citizens call and report back ups, and drivers who need to be taken off the road because of being intoxicated or just plain reckless will be located quicker and easier. I do, however, believe that more safety precautions need to be taken for individuals who will be talking on their phones while driving. Phones are being created by Erricson, Motorolla, and Nokia today in which offer a hands-free cell phone so that you can keep both hands on the wheel while driving and talking. Some of these come in the form of headsets and give the user a voice activated sequence, which allows you to talk into the speaker, and the number will instantly be dialed. All ready this has eliminated the chance of your hands being off the wheel and depleted the act of dialing the phone. Both which allow you to keep your hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. One of the most recent advancements in cellular technology comes from Brightcell Technologies. It is called the Triflex Hands-free phone kit. The Triflex turns your cell phone into a speakerphone. It works by plugging in a DC adapter to your cars cigarette lighter or power outlet. You place your phone in the cradle of the kit and a special connector in the base recharges your unit, saving battery power and converting your conversations into speakerphone mode. Because of inadequate reporting, there is insufficient data to show the magnitude of safety problems relating to the use of cell phones. This is because only two states have a section on accident reports dedicated to weather or not a cell phone was present in the car at the time of the accident. Minnesota and Oklahoma are the two states in which have received decent records on the safety related problems with cell phone use while driving. In just one year the number of accidents relating to cell phone use increased in Oklahoma by 26.5 %. Driver inattention is the most frequently identified factor among cellular telephone users. The next most frequently noted conditions are failure to yield and following too close. Based on these facts alone, it is easy to see that cellular phones and driving dont mix to well. Until we have more safety features given to us that go along with cell phones, we shouldnt mix the two. In reading the website An investigation of the Safety Implications of Wireless Communications in Vehicles, I learned that the safety means necessary in achieving safe driving while talking on the phone could be accomplished through the application of good engineering and human factors design practice. The recommendations made were as follows: Improving data collection and reporting, improving consumer education, initiating a broad range of research to better define and understand the problem, addressing issues associated with use of cellular phones from vehicles to access emergency services, encouraging enforcement of existing state laws to address inattentive driving behavior, and lastly, using the National Advanced Driving Simulator (NADS) and instrumented vehicles to study optimal driver/vehicle interfaces. If the majority of these recommendations were made, driving while using your wireless technology would be much easier and safer. Many accidents could be spared if only the prop er safety precautions would be made. .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d , .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d .postImageUrl , .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d , .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d:hover , .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d:visited , .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d:active { border:0!important; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d:active , .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Italy Persuasive EssayIn conclusion, because of the rapid growth and demand for cell phones many more accidents are occurring daily. Cell phone use in cars serve some good purposes too and have become a part of life to some individuals, so its simple to see that we cant just ban them from cars all together. But it doesnt mean that we cant take greater steps in the advancement of safety features for wireless services in those same individuals cars. If all of the recommendations made earlier took place, then people could definitely talk on their phone while driving and be completely safe from their previous flaws in inattentiveness. Bibliography:
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Herodotus Essays (294 words) - Herodotus, Histories, David Grene
Herodotus Herodotus Essay Herodotus of Halicarnassus was born about 484 B.C. he died 60 years later. For the time he lived in this age was very old though by todays standards it is not. The reason why his age was so outstanding was in his time the average man live for maybe half that because of the harsh living conditions. So with out even any of his writings of thoughts he would standout as a above average man for his time. But his age was not all that was amazing about him. In his life Herodotus traveled a lot. Some of the places he traveled to were southern Italy, Lower Egypt, and the Caucasus. This land was in his time much of the known world, which we now call the ancient known world. I feel and so do some scholars that this is why his writings and theories were so good. With his knowledge of the world around him he had a wider view on what was going on then most of the people of that time. So now we know that he was an old traveler but what else? His great History, which was the first major prose work in world literature. This was his view of his world during the Persian wars. When University of Chicago scholar David Grene translated this book it won Herodotus the title of The Father of History in ancient times. In his book he not only uses what he saw going on around him on his long walks but he told of the feelings that were inside of him. Herodotus was a very old man (by his standers) that loved to travel and write or just the plain old Father of History. History Essays
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Friendship Essay Samples Essay Example
Friendship Essay Samples Essay Example Friendship Essay Samples Essay Friendship Essay Samples Essay How I met my best friend It was a hot Sunday afternoon and I decided to take a stroll to the park to stretch my legs. I was so tired after a whole morning of playing video games in my living room. On this particular day, the park seemed to be a bit deserted. Just a few kids playing with their kites and a lone dancer entertaining a young couple who seemed less interested in his acts. It is at that time I saw her! Sitting under a short well-trimmed bush was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her long golden hair was hanging down her neck, and it kept getting in the way of her golden glasses. She was holding a small book, and it seemed she was buried to the neck in the contents of the book. I walked towards her and gently leaned forward to have a closer look at what she reading. A little startled she looked up and saw me smiling down on her extending my hand for a greeting. As if not able to clearly see my face because of the glaring sunlight, she tilted her spectacles slightly down her nose and said hi Friendship Goals It was one of those days that you feel the whole universe is against you somehow. I had woken up late and missed the bus, which meant I would get late for the final exam. Well, I did get late, but that is beside the point. After the exam, I was feeling so forlorn, and the fact that it was raining was not helping either. A few hours later, I was seated in a restaurant crying my eyes out. I had just been robbed and my phone, purse and laptop were lost. I was at my lowest point. I was trying not to attract attention to myself by looking out the window where no one really cared. This lady barely a year older than myself passes by, catches a glimpse of my teary eyes, turns around and walks into the restaurant. All the while I was saying a silent prayer that she does not walk up to me. Well, she did anyway. Without saying a word, she handed me a paper towel, sat down and said, I will still be here when you are ready to talk. It is now five years later, and I do not know what drove her to do what she did. It does not matter anyway, because after knowing her, I have a pretty good idea. My classmate essay : My life may not be too long. One may not say it is too short either. Throughout the time that I have lived, I had many memories. Some are best described as happy and enjoyable much as I also have distressful memories. Importantly though, many of the memories have been an important lesson to me. In any case, events leading to any memories must be significant in ones life. An event would never be remembered unless it caused a significant impact in ones life. Lessons learnt from memorable events often stick in the mind. Today, I have one of the best memories during one of the days in elementary school. I was only ten years attending elementary school in the United States. Throughout my life, I have always found breaks important especially if there is a snack or some meal. This made the lunch break one of my favorite breaks during my year in the elementary level. In addition, my granny was prepared a delicious sandwich and I would always look ahead at having it. Occasionally, we sat together in a group of friends and shared our food. We would then play games such as tether-ball and capture the flag, which made the lunch break more interesting. Moments spent eating and playing with these friends formed the foundation for our strong friendship today. In a period of three years, we formed a strong cycle of genuine friends. I never realized that childhood friends would last that long until lately when I recalled the things we did together. We continued to have lunch. We would still play games during and after lunch, which seems to have strengthened the bond further. Many people believe that dinning together helps to establish a close and tight bond between members. From a personal experience, this happened and helped me in making lifetime friends from childhood. Teachers knew my circle of friends. They encouraged extend the same friendship in studies. We would discuss and work on assignments together, which helped to improve our performance. In this group was John, a talkative kid, who was always making us laugh almost all the time. I would always hush him when he went too far. He would always make this annoying face whenever I did it. I would always make a joke out of his funny face to calm him down. We grew fond of each other and even started visiting each other at our homes. This friendship was pronounced and parents knew about, and encouraged it. The bond grew stronger and we even went for holidays together. Until now, even though we have families of our own, we still chat and have family meetings and holidays together. How I met my best friend essay It happened about 17 years ago. I was in the 2nd grade, and I happened to spend a lot of time in class talking to the guy who sat next to me. Obviously, the teachers were not pleased. One day, out of frustration, the teacher-in-charge of the class requested me to switch places with one of the students in the front row, next to a quiet and polite little kid. Immediately when I sat next to the kid, the very first thing I noticed was how beautiful and clean his handwriting was. To this day, I think he has the best handwriting I have seen. From then we spent some few years sitting close to one another at school until we switched streams to go to different colleges and then to various universities. But throughout all the years, we have spent hours and hours talking about seemingly irrelevant topics, none of which has been about a person, never have we gossiped. We solved crosses, cycled back from school together, spent every some holidays at each others place playing chase, Play Station g ames soccer and even football. There is no limit to how much I have learned from him. We have had many friends who have come and gone. Some stuck by our side. This one just happens to stick with me. I still find him attractive. Up to date, we still share the same enthusiasm always solving crosswords like young school boys, and discussing the answers online. He even calls me up in the middle of the night just to explain why Jupiter has the highest amount of helium in the atmosphere, of all planets. I dont see why that should change. Interestingly, his name means love and happiness.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Social and economic impacts on health care in present day related to Coursework
Social and economic impacts on health care in present day related to budget - Coursework Example Inadequate funds also lead to inadequate drugs to administer to their patients. A society will eventually have an inadequate health care thus leading to loss of lives to people who played vital roles in boosting the state’s GDP either directly or indirectly. Budgetary cut hinders health organization from expansion. A health institution might not be able to improve its structures or have more branches due to lack of enough funds. It also discourages innovation, since there will be no sufficient funds to support any project such as offering ambulance services to both its incoming and outgoing patients (Wang, 2006). Lastly, budgetary cut lowers morale of health workers. There will be no funds to employ new health workers despite the increasing rate of patients. It forces the old health workers to work extra hours in regardless of compensation. Health workers experience salary cut-off or even payment delays since some urgent projects needed immediate funding that took time to bring back the income (Khan & Hildreth, 2002). In summary, every state should put more emphasis on sensitive sectors that often require more funds during budgetary allocation despite the budget
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Michael Eisner's Walt Disney company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Michael Eisner's Walt Disney company - Essay Example Based on his interest in cartoons, Walt entered into a partnership to form â€Å"Iwerks-Disney Commercial Artists,†an initiative that made Disney develop an interest in the work of animation. To advance in his new career, Walt decided to borrow a camera from an advertising company, which encouraged him do develop further interest in Animation. Based on this drive, he managed to create the â€Å"Laugh-O-Gram Studios.†As his interest advanced in the field of animation, he opted to establish his firm after forming an agreement with Frank Newman to play the cartoons that Disney made in his theatre (Wasko, 2013). Initially, â€Å"Laugh-O-Gram Studios†became relatively big before going bankrupt in Kansas City. A mouse, Mickey, inspired â€Å"Oswald†creation later on. This resulted in the phrase â€Å"It All Started with a Mouse.†However, after Disney lost the rights he had in â€Å"Oswald,†he embarked on the road to creating his unique character, the â€Å"Mickey Mouse.†During this time, Technicolor was taking shape in the industry, making it possible for Walt to introduce additional characters in his work. He won an award in 1932 after Mickey emerged as the most common cartoon in the animation history (Wasko, 2013). Driven by the urge to create a full film, Disney initiated working on â€Å"Snow White†in 1934. He accomplished this initiative in 1937. This emerged as one of the highly successful film for 1938, which fetched more than $8 million for the company. Presently, this figure is equivalent to $132,671,390. After the success of â€Å"Snow White,†Disney embarked on a path to create Fantasia and Pinocchio. With the growth of Disney, Walt went to Hollywood and established the Walt Disney Studio before it went into debt. Here, although movies would not be considered as financially successful in the case of Disney, they had some degree of popularity (Wasko, 2013). Furthermore, during the World War II era, Disney was
Monday, January 27, 2020
Democracy in Nigeria Challenges
Democracy in Nigeria Challenges NIGERIAN DEMOCRACY TODAY: THE EXPECTED DIVIDENDS AND CHALLENGES BY FRANKLINS A . SANUBI, Ph.D Abstract After a long period of military interregnum, the anxiety and high expectations which characterized the disposition of the local Nigerian polity shortly before 1999 had almost waned in barely a decade of the country’s democratic experiment due to bad and corrupt governance resulting in some fresh pessimism about the workability of democratic governmentt in the country These expectations which have been encapsulated into a new paradigm in Nigerian politics known as â€Å"dividends of democracy†have aroused some academic and policy concern about the claims of those who professed to have secured some â€Å"dividends†for their people and those who believed that such acclaimed dividends are a ruse. Using a structural-functional analytical framework in a descriptive research design, this paper presents some of the relevant arguments for and against the claim to the dividends of democracy in Nigeria, pointing out some of its key challenges. It observes among others, th at while the claim to attaining dividend of democracy may be arguable under the platform that the adoption of democratic governance in Nigeria may have secured some favourable external image for the nation in recent years, there are ample evidence that much of the claims by political actors to dividends of democracy are not supported by tangible functional structures of an enduring democracy The paper recommends among other things, a vigorous pursuit of the institutional fight against corruption and an expedited reform of the country’s electoral system. Introduction The peculiarities of a nation’s practice of democracy distinguish it from another’s. As a social process, democracy should naturally be expected to respond to the dictates of its immediate milieu while as much as possible it aspires to some universal principles or standards in its practice. From its definitions as ‘a government of popular sovereignty’ democracy permits the majority of the governed to have its â€Å"will†enthroned in governance at least in deciding who should direct its own affairs in political authority at elections. In Nigeria’s barely half-a-century of political independence, some attempts at democratic governance may have totalled up only to nineteen years of its nationhood. Of this however, much will be desired of any one to identify the boundaries of a ‘true democracy’ as defined above if any, that is existing in the Nigerian experience. Typically, a democracy is characterized among others, by a regular general election, a highly defined electoral procedure, a high degree of the rule of law (with an independent and transparent judicial structure) and a people whose human rights is optimally guaranteed by existing executive, legislative and judicial institutions. While it may be argued at some academic forum that no ideal (true) democracy can be found in any nation today, there is however much compelling impulse to associate some current western democracies with a high degree of ideal democratic phenomenon. The Nigerian democracy would, comparatively rank very low in such continuum in terms of both practice and dividends. Democratic Dividends: A Definition Our discomfort with the use of the term â€Å"dividend†in the analysis of political performance, and especially in Nigeria where self-interest seems to vehemently override nationalistic aspiration, lies not in its auspiciousness but in its origin. The term â€Å"dividends†is a business one, particularly in the area of investment. To expect a dividend in future is to invest today. Investment is seen from the point of view of economics as â€Å"part of present income spent on goods or services in order to generate a high future income†. Such goods however are investment goods as distinguished from consumer goods. This view of investment sees the process as a â€Å"risk taking†endeavour. To assure a risk-taker of a dividend is to minimize his risks elements while investing. Higher risks bring higher dividends. The most successful investors therefore belong to the class of high risk takers. By importing this process into politics, Nigerian politicians may b e described as political investors who see their attainment of political office as a management of political investment rather than a call to service for one’s fatherland. Hence, when you hear an average political office holder talk of dividends of democracy, he is implicitly referring to the size of the national cake he is able to cut for himself, albeit his people. Democratic dividends in Nigeria may therefore not be seen merely as yielding a desired purpose of attaining national good governance for the benefit of the entire polity but particularly as an expression of a competitive struggle for natural economic resources to the satisfaction of competing individuals or groups often defined in ethnocentric terms. Yet this term â€Å"dividend†of democracy has been a household one in the language registers of political actors in Nigeria. Structural-Functionalism and Democracy: A theoretical framework An auspicious social theory under which the analysis of the â€Å"dividends of democracy in Nigeria†may be comfortably made is the theory of structural-functionalism. The functionalist school believes that the understanding of a given system (under this circumstance, the Nigerian political system in the democratic dispensation) must necessarily comprise not only the understanding of the institutions (or structures) which make up the system but also their respective functions1. The adherents of structural-functionalism insist that these institutions must be placed within a meaningful and 1 Igwe, O. (2007) Politics and globe dictionary, New ed., Aba: Eagle Publishers dynamic historical context if they are to be properly understood an idea that stands in sharp contrast to the prevailing approaches in the field of comparative politics such as the state-society theory and the dependency theory. The structural-functional approach is based on the view that a political system is made up of several key components including interest groups, political groups and branches of government. According to Almond Powell, a political system performs some key functions such as political socialization, recruitment and communication2. Socialization may be seen as a process by which a society passes along its values and beliefs to succeeding generations while from a point of view of politics, socialization (and hence political socialization) may be described as a process by which a society inculcates civic virtues, or the habit of effective citizenship. Political recruitment on the other hand may be seen as a process by which a political system generates interest, e ngagement and participation from citizens while communication describes a process by which a system promulgates its values and information. A variant of structural-functionalism based on the analysis of Gabriel Almond sees all political systems as comprising four major characteristics namely: that all political systems including the simplest ones have political structures; that the same functions are performed in â€Å"all political systems even if they may be performed with different frequencies and different structures; that both the political structures of the primitive and the modern societies are multifunctional no matter how specialized they are and; that all political systems are mixed in the cultural sense†3. 2. Almond, G.A. Powell Jnr. B.G.(1966) Comparative politics: A development approach, Boston: Little Brown.. 3 Offiong, O.J. (1996) Systems theory and structural functionalism in political analysis. In A.O. Oronsaye, (Ed.) Nigerian government and politics, Benin City: United City Press. As a political system in transition (as Nigeria,) moves from one state of equilibrium to another, the various political institutions or structures should be expected to bring about a required social change in their performance of the socialization, recruitment and communication functions. A social change according to Talcott Parsons occurs through four distinct and inevitable processes namely: differentiation ( that is, the increase in the complexity of social organizations); adaptive upgrading (that is, social institutions becoming more specialized in their processes) inclusion ( where groups previously excluded from a society because of such factors as race, gender, social class etc are now accepted) and; value generalization (that is, the development of new values that tolerate and legitimate a greater range of activities) 4. The application of democratic governance in Nigeria should therefore be seen from a structural-functional perspective as a desire to effect a required social change in our political development by the various democratic institutions performing their required functions in that respect. The Nigerian democracy therefore will be not meaningful, that is, not structurally functional, if it is not performing its required social functions (or yielding the expected dividends). The Dividends of Nigerian Democracy and the Challenges If any thing else, Nigerian democracy should be directed at fulfilling the nation’s philosophical goals as expressed in the official document of its Second National Development Plan (1970-1974) namely: â€Å"the creation of a free and democratic society; a just and egalitarian society; a united, strong and self reliant nation; a great and dynamic 4Kuper, A. (1988) The invention of primitive society: Transformation of an illusion, London: Routledge economy and, a land of full and bright opportunities for all citizens†5. Expectedly, Nigerian democracy should ensure the enthronement of a national consciousness, integrity and service. There should be strong desire to build one’s own nation by its citizen rather than a plunge-it-down syndrome typical of much of our current dispensation. Democracy should provide equal opportunities to genuine service-minded individuals to express themselves in seeking political office through elections. Democracy should be a platform for the provision of political enlightenment for the teeming apathetic and economically-emasculated people of the countryside and metropolises. Democracy is expected to guarantee an un-biased allocation and application of naturally determined national economic resources for the benefit of the entire polity while providing relevant opportunities for component region or states to harness local potentials for healthy competitive development initiatives. Democracy should provide relevant safeguards against corruption and unauthorized acqu isitions of national resources by individuals and groups who see themselves high above the corporate goals of the nation. Judicial safeguards in terms of regular prosecution and punishment should especially be adequately entrenched into such a political system. Democracy should provide relevant and adequate checks and balances between the three organs of government and as much as possible a freer press as the fourth estate in the realm. The phenomenon of wanton arrest, detention of journalists and the forceful closure of media-houses whenever they purvey any information acclaimed by political authorities 5. Federal Republic of Nigeria, (1970) Second National Development Plan 1970-1974, Lagos: Federal Ministry of Information,,p.32 as inimical to their existence (albeit the corporate existence of the nation) typical of our current democratic experiment will therefore require some policy refinement and for policymakers to demonstrate subtlety. Democracy should be expected to yield the above ascribed â€Å"dividends†to Nigeria through its practice over the years. Alternatively, the Nigerian democracy has yielded few, if any, of the ascribed dividends to its citizens. The typical dividends however has remained the propagation of ethnic dominance in the appropriation of national resources through what Deutsch6 describes as aa zero-sum game approach in form of appointments to vital national and state positions, regional self determination through the core vs. peripheral perception of resource allocation7, , thus engendering a clamour for regional economic independence popularly called â€Å"resource control†by the oil bearing peoples of the Niger Delta. Notwithstanding and on the positive side, democracy may have succeeded somewhat in sensitizing the citizens in appreciating the need for good governance among political office holders. There is a growing wave of civic awareness among people in Nigeria today than it had ever been. The increasing quest for probity and accountability and the adoption of due process principles (even with its default) may be regarded as a vital recipe for the re-branding of our local democratic culture and practice. But for the seeming inadequacies such as the area of official responsibility and accountability, and electoral malpractice, the Nigerian practice of democratic governance may have helped to 6 Deutsch, M. (1973), The resolution of conflicts: Constructive process, New Haven: Yale, 7 Noel, C.L. (1969), A theory of ethnic stratification: Social problems. Journal of Sociology, Vol. 16.(2). grow the nation’s international image as a major regional power in the African sub-region. The United Nations has often called on Nigeria to lead its team in the execution of its major international (especially African regional) economic, social and military initiatives. Nigerian’s growing involvement in regional peace keeping and other humanitarian missions and the African continent derives mainly from its recognition not only primarily as an economically-endowed nation, but also as a democratic entity with abundant hope. This perhaps may be adjudged as the most important dividend of the Nigeria’s democracy so far. Much however is yet to be desired of this image as its electoral process undergoes reform. The impetus provided by Ghana and South Africa in their respective recent elections have further strengthened the national call for electoral reforms and political transparency. The relevance of such call is underscored by a growing optimism in the national popu lace about the possible workability of the democratic arrangement as a better alternative in governance after having been overwhelmed by military dictatorship (with it accompanying slow pace of economic development) for over two-thirds of its nationhood. By a tacit recognition of the â€Å"expected†and â€Å"perceived†dividends of the Nigerian democracy, it becomes a little easier to identify some of the major challenges of the Nigerian democratic experience so far. At the apex of the challenges is the issue of electoral reforms. The want of a credible independent electoral process has unfortunately created institutional safeguards for political parties (especially incumbents) to exploit the existing political machinery for their electoral advantages. The office of the president has most often exploited its advantage as the appointing institution to impact significantly on the activities of the successive electoral commissions in the country. The result is that electoral rigging have been institutionalized often with threats of arrests on credible opposition. In the 2007 state and federal elections particularly the former, this anomaly was not only typical of but also rampant. Democratic government are expected to be less prone to corruptive tendencies since there are supposedly more institutional safeguards against them than the military regime. Unfortunately, the Nigerian democracy is yet to vindicate itself as a better alternative in this respect. Phenomenally, what may be regarded as some institutional arrangement created by government against corruption and other economic crimes though looked initially very impressive and praiseworthy during the moribund Obasanjo’s civilian regime, were later overrun by the same political structure (particularly the executive and legislative arms) which had seen such an arrangement as an erosion of their political and economic ambitions. Thus, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and the Independent Corrupt Practice Commission (ICPC) became after an initial euphoria, figments of their creator’s imaginations. Corruption still remains a major challenge to Nigeria’s democracy. The ethnocentric clamour for economic self determinism, especially by the people of the Niger Delta has aroused a new awareness about the inevitability of good governance in the area of equitable distribution of natural resources especially in a plural society like Nigeria. The hydra-headed problem of the Niger Delta crisis is a logical aftermath of governments’ inability to address the special environmental and economic needs of the Niger Delta peoples and symptomatic of the continuing absence of agreement on a workable revenue sharing formula after a trial of several sharing principles over the years. This phenomenon has created additional challenges for the attainment of the expected dividends of democracy. Conclusion and Recommendations The claim to the attainment of democratic dividends by political actors in Nigeria will remain as contestable in certain areas as there exist elements of political inadequacies in the three key theoretical areas of political socialization, recruitment, communication. By consolidating on its growing international image as a regional centre of hope, Nigerian policymakers should invest much energy on the institutional fight against corruption by allowing the relevant statutory agencies already created for this purpose to exercise their mandate without unnecessary executive intervention. The pursuit of electoral reform in an attempt to enthrone a great degree of (if not total) internal and external credibility in our public elections should be more vigorous and expeditious so that as early as 2011, fresh and enduring dividends in that aspect can be become visibly clear. Until democratic practice in Nigeria provides more functional evidence in terms of enhanced political participation, eq uitable and acceptable process of resource allocation, credible electoral practice and a political culture of national integrity and transparency, it will remain sharply contestable to lay claim to the attainment of a meaningful dividend of democracy in Nigeria. 1
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Complete Case: Amgen Whistleblowing Essay
Read and write up an executive summary on the case, including answers to the following questions. 1. How did Amgen’s unethical behavior contribute to the problems with Medicaid kickbacks? 2. Why does the public consider this scandal to have an unethical dilemma? 3. Explain what is meant by whistleblowing? Include your opinions and identify any gaps between public expectations of ethical standards and universal professional codes of ethical standards. Case : Amgen Whistleblowing Case Amgen, a Thousand Oaks, California–based company, had the unenviable task of dealing with lawsuits filed by 15 states in 2009 alleging a Medicaid kickback scheme.1 To make matters worse, two additional whistleblowing lawsuits were filed against the company in Ventura County. The complaints, which don’t appear related to the fraud alleged by the group of states, were brought by former employees who said they had uncovered wrongdoing at the biotech giant and were terminated after they raised red flags to superiors. One employee alleged the company violated federal law by under-reporting complaints and problems with the company’s drugs after they hit the market. The facts of that lawsuit are described below. Former Amgen employee Shawn O’Brien sued Amgen for wrongful termination on October 9, 2009, alleging he was laid off in October 2007 in retaliation for raising concerns about how the company reported complaints and problems with drugs already on the market. O’Brien worked as a senior project manager for Amgen’s â€Å"Ongoing Change Program,†according to the lawsuit filed in Ventura County Superior Court. His job was to improve Amgen’s â€Å"compliance processes with high inherent risk to public safety, major criminal and civil liability, or both,†according to the lawsuit. The lawsuit alleged that in April 2007, Amgen’s board of directors flagged the company’s process for dealing with post-market complaints about drugs as a potential problem. Federal law requires drug companies to track and report to the Food and Drug Administration any problems with their drugs after they hit the market. In June 2007, O’Brien was put on the case. He soon uncovered facts that Amgen was not adequately and consistently identifying phone calls or mail related to post-marketing adverse events of product complaints. That year, O’Brien warned the company about the seriousness of the issues but, he claims, the company would not take any action or offer any support. In August 2007, O’Brien took his complaint to a senior executive/corporate officer (unnamed) and warned that Amgen’s process for dealing with post-market problems wasn’t adequate. In early September of 2007, O’Brien’s managers instructed him to stop all work and not discuss the issues any further with anyone. Approximately four weeks later he was informed that he was being terminated as part of Amgen’s October 12, 2007, reduction in the work force.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
East of Eden by John Steinbeck Essay
Published in 1952, East of Eden is a novel written by John Steinbeck, a Nobel winner). It tells the story of the intertwined lives of two families- the Trasks and the Hamiltons amidst a backdrop of California’s Salinas Valley (Steinbeck, 2003). The novel follows the stories of these two American families from the Civil War to World War I (2003). It is said that the novel, which was published ten years before Steinbeck received a Novel, drew inspiration from the Bible and was dedicated to Steinbeck’s sons- Thom and John IV (Pearson, 1995). The title itself was culled from a Biblical verse, depicting Cain as he set out in the land of Nod, east of Eden (Genesis 4: 16 New International Version). Told in third-person point of view by a narrator who sometimes offers annotations, swings among characters’ vantage points and even suspends the story with snippets of human history, East of Eden tackles the universal theme of good vs. evil, the fall of Adam and Eve and the bitter enmity of Abel and Cain. Dramatizing the societal sins of Salinas Valley and the individual members of the Trask and Hamilton clans, the novel aims to resolve the dilemma on how evil may be overcome by choice. Spanning the period between the American Civil War and the end of the First World War, it dovetails the lives of two brothers- the gentle Adam and the rough Charles. Adam marries the scheming Cathy who deceives him and ran off with Charles on the night of their wedding (Steinbeck, 2003). After giving birth to twin boys, Aron and Cal, Cathy leaves her children to Adam and returns to a life of debauchery. The rivalry between the siblings reignites as they vie for their father’s attention and approval (2003). The story is beautiful and revolting as it unravels the universal problem man has to face: choose to be good or remain on the dark side. The tone is somber, philosophical and perhaps even propitious. Showing how illustrious as a writer should be, Steinbeck is able to create characters with various tempers, contrasting them realistically as possible, polar opposites as one may say. There is Adam, who may very well be the archetype of good intentions and Cathy, the scheming prostitute whom Adam fell in love with. It is also Adam who has been deceived the most, reminiscent of the betrayal of the serpent in the biblical Eden. The novel is peppered with shades of Cain and Abel. In the same vein, the agony of parental rejection, an issue touched with the story of the biblical brothers, is again explored in the novel, like the acceptance of Adam’s puppy gift and the rejection of Charles’ knife gift, reminiscent of Abel’s accepted gift and the rejection of Cain. Cyrus Trask favored Adam over Charles, for no distinct reason. Later on, Adam repeats the cycle with his own sons, favoring Aron over Cal. Throughout the novel, the tension is palpable, giving the reader the proper stimulus to continue reading. It also helps that the setting, Salinas Valley is actually a real place, giving a pragmatic voice to the novel. The words used by Steinbeck are easy to read and understand , and is not loaded with so many symbols that would make the reader spend 98% figuring out what the symbols stood for rather than letting the words flow and grasping its essence. There are no flowery words, either. This is a good sign on the part of Steinbeck, allowing the readers to comprehend the gist without resulting in a head ache. The flow of the story is also commendable, especially as it expands from 1860 to 1918. The incorporation of â€Å"timshel†is also appropriate, fortifying the theme of good winning over evil, of human making the power to decide. East of Eden is grounded in pragmatism and the handling of good and evil may be simple but it speaks one universal truth: that there is good and there is evil and that human beings are flawed, perhaps influenced by their genes or shaped by circumstances, but they have the choice whether to follow that footstep and repeat the mistake or make their own paths and break the cycle. References Pearson, P. (1995). East of Eden. Retrieved February 17, 2009, from National Steinbeck Center Website: http://www. steinbeck. org .html Steinbeck, J. (2003). East of Eden. New York: Penguin Books.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Dystopia In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury - 1168 Words
â€Å"An imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect,†is the definition you’d read if you searched up the word, â€Å"utopia.†Humans strive to achieve perfection- the perfect grade, a perfect family, having a perfect life, being the perfect person- to be flawless. We as humans, typically desire for what we dont have. After all, our world is not perfect at all. We face hardships, anxieties, pain, and much more. But could this desire for perfection start instead, imperfection? Could it start a dystopia instead of a utopia? Could our wish for happiness create a world of unhappiness? Well in the pursuit of happiness and conflicting with what is right, yes. For an example, let’s look into â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†by Ray†¦show more content†¦The parlor walls are all entertainment for society- what the government is feeding them, propaganda. The people are despond ent, not admitting it. This is shown on pg.13, â€Å"‘We get these cases (pill overdose) nine or ten a night. Got so many, starting a few years ago, we had the special machines built. With the optical lens, of course, that was new; the rest is ancient. We don’t need an M.D., case like this; all you need is two handyman, clean up the problem in half an hour. Look’- he started for the door- ‘we gotta go. Just another call on the old ear-thimble.’†This is how frequent, people commit suicide in this society, with nine or ten calls a night. So frequent, this is typical for them. Where it’s simple, â€Å"All you need is two handyman,†they said. But why did they make the society like this, if, in the end, it leads to unhappiness- a dystopia? Beatty explains to Montag, the burning of books on pg. 57, â€Å"‘Colored people don’t like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don’t feel good about Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Burn it. Someone’s written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the book. Serenity, Montag. Peace, Montag. Take your fights outside. Better yet, into the incinerator.’†They’re not dealing with these problems.Show MoreRelatedDystopia Depicted in Bradburys Fahrenheit 451 Essay868 Words  | 4 PagesIn Fahrenheit 451, the reader gets a very vivid description of the deplorable dystopian society by reading only the first few pages. Fahrenheit 451 was written by Ray Bradbury in 1953. A dystopia is an imaginary place where everything is as miserable and horrific as it could possibly be for the citizens. Guy Montag is the central character and a fireman, under the command of his superior fireman, Captain Beatty. Montag walks home with seventeen year old Clarisse, who asks him manyRead MoreAnalysis Of Ray Bradbury s Fahrenheit 4511193 Words  | 5 Pagestrue today? In Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, ideas such as dystopian society, the dulling of emotions, personal freedom, and government censorship are utilized to illustrate how technology, the advancement of society, and government control has blindfolded the population from the creativity, knowledge, and truth of the past. Bradbury employs each of these ideas frequently throughout the novel to further enhance the deeper meaning behind his masterpiece. When one looks at Fahrenheit 451 like a workRead MoreFarenheit451/Gattaca, Relationship Between Man and Machine1243 Words  | 5 Pagesgenre of fiction revolving around science and technology, usually conveying the dystopian alternative future context, the pessimistic resultant of society. Ray Bradbury s Fahrenheit 451 (1953) and Andrew Niccols Gattaca (1997) both explore the values and concerns of human existence. 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Smolla introduces the main character in â€Å"The Life of The Mind and A Life of Meaning: Reflections on Fahrenheit 451†stating that â€Å"Montag begins the novel ostensibly proud of his profession and settled in life, but we soon find that there is disquiet beneath the surface†(897). ThroughoutRead MoreRay Bradbury s Worthy Of The Curriculum1796 Words  | 8 PagesCollin Rineer CP American Lit and Comp Mrs. Mayo Nov 10, 2014 Ray Bradbury, Worthy of the Curriculum? Ray Bradbury is an American author who has written many books including Fahrenheit 451. 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The United States is heading down the path of becoming a dystopianRead MoreFahrenhei t 451 Critical Essay1607 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Lintang Syuhada 13150024 Book Report 1 Fahrenheit 451 Critical Essay Human beings are naturally curious. We are always in search of better ideas, and new solutions to problems. One of a basic idea of Indonesia has been freedom of thinking and a free flow of ideas. But in some societies, governments try to keep their people ignorant. Usually, this is so governments can keep people under control and hold on to their power. In trying to keep people from the realities of the world, these oppressiveRead MoreEssay about Fahrenheit 451 as a Criticism of Censorship943 Words  | 4 PagesFahrenheit 451 as a Criticism of Censorship     Ray Bradbury criticizes the censorship of the early 1950s by displaying these same themes in a futuristic dystopia novel called Fahrenheit 451. 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